Educational Games

Updated on March 10, 2017

These websites and apps offer free educational games for kids that help them hone their skills in math, science, language arts, and any subject that requires memorization of information. Some of the games focus on problem-solving and logic skills.

Adventures of Josie True

The Adventures of Josie True is a web-based historical adventure game for girls –generally geared for ages 9 – 11. Josie True travels across time and space as she tries to find her missing inventor/science teacher Ms. Trombone. Along the…

Arcademics Basic Skills Games and Apps

Arcademics offers dozens of arcade-style single and multi-player games for students in grades K-6 to improve their math, language arts, and geography skills. Play the games online, on your Wii, or on a mobile device. The games are optimized for…


From site:  BrainPOP is a pioneering developer of engaging, animated content that motivates and inspires children to learn. Each month, BrainPOP welcomes more than 1,000,000 visitors to its websites, reaching roughly 13,000,000 students in homes, classrooms and computer labs worldwide. Hosted…