Last updated: December 9, 2018
These 250 free language arts websites have games and lessons for elementary, middle, and high school students. Kids can use the online interactives and apps to learn to read fluently, improve their reading comprehension and grammar, and learn to write anything from essays to poetry. For teachers, some sites include reading and writing lesson plans and activities. English Language Learners (ELL/ESL) and students studying foreign languages will also benefit from these resources.
- Beginning Reader (22)
- English Language Learners (23)
- Foreign Languages (17)
- Free eBooks (6)
- Grammar (18)
- Handwriting (8)
- Journalism (9)
- Literature (15)
- Media Literacy (1)
- Poetry (40)
- Public Speaking (2)
- Reading Comprehension (16)
- Vocabulary & Spelling (38)
- Writing (36)
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Recently Added Language Arts Sites & Apps

Sightwords – Teaching Reading Strategies for Parents and Teachers offers free strategies, lessons, games and tips for teaching reading to beginning readers. Several experienced teachers and education professionals authored this site. Lessons are geared to children ages 3-5. The resources include printable cards to play the sight word ...

ReadWriteThink: Haiku Poem Interactive and app
Using this interactive, students in grades 3-12 can learn about and write haiku. Haiku is a popular Japanese poem in the form three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, often about nature themes. Use the interactive to brainstorm words ...

ABC Letter Tracing App for iPhone and iPad
This free app is a enables children to use their finger instead of a pencil to trace block letters in upper and lower case for beginner handwriting practice ...

Your Public Library’s Free eBooks
Your public library is an overlooked source of free ebooks in all genres for kids and teens. There are a few dominant providers of ereader apps for library materials. OverDrive, Libby (from OverDrive), Hoopla, EBSCO eBooks, and RBdigital (for magazines) ...

NOOK Books for Kids and Teens
The free Barnes & Noble's Nook Reading app for is available for iPhone/iPad, Android devices, and Windows. After you have set up a Barnes & Noble account, you will have access to thousands of free ebooks for children and teens ...

Kindle eBooks for Kids and Teens
Amazon's Kindle app for is available for iPhone/iPad, Android devices, PC and Mac. After you have set up an Amazon account, you will have access to hundreds of free ebooks for children and teens. Check out the free titles in ...

Reading is Fundamental Beginning Reader eBooks
RIF offers several ebook stories for beginning readers in English and Spanish. The stories have options for narration or read-by-myself. They have engaging interactive animations and some include some activities. As of this writing, they are available for the Kindle ...

Project Gutenberg eBooks for Kids and Teens
The Project Gutenberg wiki catalogs more than 53,000 free ebooks. They are available in epub, pdf, and popular ereader formats. The books are out of copyright in the US, so are free to distribute and copy as you like. Because ...

Free Kids and Teens Apple eBooks
The Apple Books (formerly iBooks) app for iPhone and iPad has many free ebooks for children and teens. After installing the app from the App Store, follow these steps to find the free ebooks.
- Tap Categories
- Select one of the student-friendly categories ...

Poetry Analysis Interactives
There are 13 interactive poetry analysis tools for students in grades 6-12. Many of them assist students in analysis of works by classic English poets. One deals with strategies for reading poetry. And two deal with the themes of family ...