Teachley’s Amazing Talking Brain provides K-12 teachers with tips on how to use what scientists know about the brain and how it works to classroom strategies and techniques. Sawyer also has a set of “pop quizzes” teachers can use to check if they’re incorporating good instructional techniques in their classes.
You will find a lot of best practices for presenting a lesson. There are brief tips on how to improve your lessons for learning retention. Topics such as “5 Ways to Improve Memory and Recall of Information,” “6 Ways Movement Can Help in the Classroom,” and “Engage Emotions to Lock Memories” have helped me alter my plans to make them more stimulating and the effects longer-lasting. Nothing here is new to professional educators. But Donna Sawyer has encapsulated some of the most important things we’ve learned about good teaching techniques. Homeschooling parents will find these techniques invaluable as well. If you follow them, your kids will remember more and find learning more enjoyable.