The goal of is to ensure all teachers have the curriculum they need and students have the support they need to read well with deep comprehension. To that end, this site provides resources that focus on reading comprehension skills, primarily for students in grades K-7.
The site has a large collection of non-fiction reading passages, searchable by grade level and reading skill or strategy. There’s also a large database of lesson plans and units based on the skills and strategies. They include author’s purpose, cause and effect, character, classify and organize, compare and contrast, drawing conclusions, explicit information, fact vs. opinion, figurative language, genre, main idea, plot, point of view, predicting, pronoun reference, sequence, setting, them vocabulary in context, and voice.
Their section on novel studies, includes 5th and 6th grade units for books based on biographies, historical fiction, realistic fiction, poetry, fantasy, mysteries, science fiction, verse novels, short stories and autobiographies.
The lessons and units align to common core standards. There is also guidance for teachers on differentiating instruction, teaching lessons, and doing interactive read-alouds.
Teachers can use these resources online with their students on the companion site, ReadWorks Digital, where teachers create classes, students login, complete reading and comprehension skill assignments, and teachers track their progress.