Quizlet Study Tools and apps

Study just about anything. Create a set of flashcards. Share them with classmates. Teachers, create sets for your students. Study in flashcard mode or with games and apps for mobile devices. You can create your own quiz and even test your speed.

  • Familiarize: Familiarize tests you in a way similar to traditional paper flash cards.
  • Learn: Learn is a powerful study mode that keeps track of your scores, retests incorrect answers, and lets you pause and resume study sessions.
  • Test: Selecting Test will generate a quiz with written, multiple choice, matching, and true/false questions.
  • Play Scatter: Scatter is a game of matching.
  • Play Space Race: Space Race is a game that tests how quickly you can provide the definition for each term.

 Text-to-speech audio features help students study at least 18 foreign languages and English, and are also helpful for students with reading difficulties. There’s a wealth of study sets available for virtually any K-12 subject, from site words for first graders, to SAT and ACT prep for high school students.

Quizlet is also available for iPad/iPhone and Android devices. Please note that the free versions display ads.
There is an in-app purchase required to go ad-free.