IRUNURUN Goal Setting and Tracking app

Set your educational and life goals. Hold yourself accountable for working toward them. Get support from classmates, friends and family. The irunurun app is targeted to businesses and adults. But high school students will find it helpful too.

You set up to ten goals – short-term, long-term – you decide. They can be school goals, athletic goals, fitness goals, career goals, anything at all. Then set your goal priorities. Record your daily progress and receive a weekly score (up to 100) for how well you’re doing. If you invite classmates or family to view your status, they can provide you encouragement or even competition.

IRUNURUN is currently available as an app for iPhone/iPad only. However, you can use the app website version of irunurun to track your progress. You will have still have to register and control the settings and goals from the main website, though. The Answers section of the site provides helpful guidance.