Internet Science and Technology Fair

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The Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) is the 21st century science fair that:

  • Challenges students in grades 3-12 to use information technology tools to discover and explore the future of science and engineering,
  • Provides science, math and computer teachers with a means to integrate the Internet and research methods into their curricula, and
  • Offers scientists and engineers working within corporations, federal/state agencies and academic research centers an opportunity to invest their time on-line as technical advisors who become “digital mentors.”

From October through February of each year, student teams apply technology to real-world problems when they participate in the ISTF. As a team, students use ISTF Content Guidelines that are based on national science content standards (1996) developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. They work with a practicing scientist or engineer who acts as the team’s on-line technical advisor. Teams publish their final research reports in a web page format that is then judged against other teams from the United States and other participating countries. Top teams receive certificates of award from the National Medal of Technology Program at the U.S. Department of Commerce.