Google Drive and apps

Google Drive offers an unparalleled set of free web-based, desktop, and mobile apps for students and teachers. The free version provides 15GB of secure storage space, as of this writing. Free registration is required, using a gmail account. Content is automatically saved as you work. Some of the most useful apps:

  • Google Docs – a word processor for writing papers for classes.
  • Google Sheets – a spreadsheet app for data and charts.
  • Google Slides – a presentation app.
  • Google Forms – for students surveys, assignments responses, and many more classroom uses.
  • Google Drawings – a simple image creator and editor. Use it to create graphic organizers, annotate drawing, and more.
  • Google My Maps – create customized maps for class projects.
  • Google Sites – create a classroom website with a minimum of fuss, incorporating all of these Google apps and more.

Other add-ons of particular interest to educators and students include Google Fusion Tables for data analysis, and several Collabrify apps, such as KWL and Flipbook.

Google Drive apps are available for iPad/iPhone and Android devices.