Professional Development

Updated on March 1, 2017

These websites offer free online professional development for educators.  Because they are free, they do not generally offer CEUs or graduate credits to teachers toward their certification.

What Works Clearinghouse

The What Works Clearinghouse reviews existing research on programs, products, practices, and policies in education, to help teachers identify and make use of effective teaching practices. The site provides intervention reports and best practice guides developed by the Department’’s Institute…


TeacherTube provides an online community for sharing instructional videos. These are educationally focused, family-safe resources for teachers, schools, and home learners. LearningReviews note: While the content is go, the site is slow, and heavily ad-laden.

PowerUp What Works for Teachers

From site:  Find customizable resources for teachers, school leaders, PD facilitators, and teacher educators to improve teaching and learning for struggling students and those with disabilities: Teaching strategies supported by technology Technology use in schools and classrooms Universal Design for…

Edutopia: Teacher Development

See the variety of approaches schools and districts are taking to teacher development and doing what works in education.  Edutopia offers numerous articles on professional development of teachers.  Many articles are accompanied by videos.  They also have a link to…

Informal Assessment of Beginning Readers

This series of brief videos illustrates and emphasizes the importance of frequent informal assessments of beginning readers.  This helps to identify areas of difficulty early and target instruction to the needs of individual students.  Assessments include Spelling as a Diagnostics…

Annenberg: Teacher Resources

Annenberg Media’s multimedia resources help teachers increase their expertise in their fields and assist them in improving their teaching methods. Other resources on the site include interactive lessons for middle and high school students in several subjects. Also offered on…