
Updated on March 2, 2017

High school students can use these physics interactives and online lessons to help them master concepts and prepare for exams, including the AP Physics exams.  There are simulations and videos to illustrate concepts, as well as practice tests.

Related content includes websites and apps on Forces and Motion and Engineering.

Khan Academy Physics Course

Learn or review physics concepts in this introductory level course that consists mostly of videos and short text passages. Khan Academy also has reviews for AP Physics 1 and 2. There are 19 sections that cover concepts in: forces and…

physNRICH Problem Based Learning

physNRICH offers several mathematical physics problems for solution by students ages 14-19. There are more than 30 problems in the areas of general physics, dynamics, gravitation, units in physics, power, work and energy, atoms and particles, electricity, fluids, gas laws,…


From site:  The American Physical Society represents some 45,000 physicists, and most of our work centers on scientific meetings and publications-the primary ways that physicists communicate with each other. With PhysicsCentral, we communicate the excitement and importance of physics to…

Physics Facts

Delve into facts about the universe with a series of articles on atmospheric physics, classical mechanics, fundamentals, magnetism, non-linear dynamics and chaos, optics, quantum mechanics, radioactivity, solid state physics, and thermodynamics.  Articles are written by educators and experts in each…


From site:   If you are looking for basic physics information, stay on this site. It’s not just physics for kids, it’s for everyone. We have information on motion, heat and thermodynamics, electricity & magnetism, light, and modern physics topics… So…

PhET Physics Simulations

From site:  The Physics Education Technology (PhET) project is an ongoing effort to provide an extensive suite of simulations for teaching and learning physics and chemistry and to make these resources both freely available from the PhET website and easy…

Windows to the Universe: Fundamental Physics

From site:  Physics is the study of basic properties, materials, and forces in our Universe. Our new physics section will start off with some background material about space, time, and matter. It will also include sections on mechanics, electricity and…

Physics: An Overview of NSF Research

From site:  Physics begins with the everyday physical world around us—the blue of the sky, the colors of the rainbow, the fall of an apple, the motions of the moon. What’s happening here? Why do things work this way? Physics…

IPPEX – Plasma Physics

From site:  IPPEX uses interactive multimedia over the World Wide Web to engage students in formulating questions and creating meaning from their own experiences. Rather than passively learning facts and following routine instructions, students solve problems and learn how to…

Amusement Park Physics

Learn how a roller coaster works, then use your physics skills in calculating height, mass and velocity to design your own roller coaster. 

The Physics Classroom

Introduces basics physics concepts including kinematics, Newton’s Laws,  Einstein’s theory of relativity, momentum, work, energy and power, circular and satellite motion, waves in sound and light, optics, and reflection and refraction of light.   In other sections of the site, there are…