Rounding Numbers

Updated on March 7, 2017

Kids can learn rounding rules and get practice with place values and estimation with these websites and apps.  They have interactive games and lessons to help you learn to round whole numbers and decimals and to identify place values.  Some are easy.  Some are hard.  But many are fun!

Rounding Number Game

This simple rounding numbers game for whole numbers.  Customize it by picking a “rounding to” value of tens, hundreds, or thousands.  Then type in a minimum and maximum number.  This generates a series of numbers where the student types in…

Identifying Place Value

Learn and practice identifying place values for numbers up to seven digits – 9,999,999. Play the Identify Place Value game in 3 modes: Count Down, Give Me Time, and 20 Questions.

Sea Shell Rounding

On The Sea Shell Rounding Activity Page, kids look at the number in each shell and round it to the nearest ten to choose the right answer. Keep track of how many sand dollars you ear when you answer correctly.

Place Value Puzzler

Place Value Puzzler interactive game helps you practice place values and rounding numbers. You can choose a level from easy to super brain. Rounding/Estimation

Choose from several interactive drills and games to practice your skills in rounding and estimating whole numbers and decimals.  The practice is focused on grades 3-5 common core standards. Games include Half Court Rounding (basketball), and Rounding Master, based on…