Graphic Organizers

Updated on March 10, 2017

These websites have free interactive and printable graphic organizers to help kids and students make sense of information in all subject areas and grade levels.  Printable organizers are useful for helping kids construct meaning from the information they read, as well as for preparing their thoughts prior to a writing assignment.  Online interactive organizers enable students to work on a project in groups, manipulating concepts and categorizing content.   The interactive organizers include some mind mapping tools.

View Your Mind

VYM (View Your Mind) is a free downloadable interactive graphic organizer and mind mapping software. Use it to dissect information from textbooks, articles, and student writing. Its versatility with branching can help students break down very complex material. Options for…

ReadWriteThink Interactive Graphic Organizers and apps has a stellar collection of interactive graphic organizers to help students plan their writing and to help them analyze what they read. Each interactive is accompanied by lesson plans and activity ideas for teachers at the targeted grade levels.…