Illness & Disease

Updated on March 10, 2017

These websites help students of all grade levels to learn about the types of illnesses and diseases, their causes, prevention, and treatment. Many have interactive games. Some include lesson ideas for teachers.

Tony’s Plate

From site: Tony is an average kid who just happens to have type 1 diabetes. That means Tony’s Mom & Dad have to keep track of what Tony eats to keep him healthy. Tony’s Plate is the online home of…

Kidney Patient Guide

From site:  This website provides information for renal patients, their partners and families, health care professionals and anyone else who is interested in kidney disease.It includes information not only on physical aspects of kidney failure – how the kidneys function,…


This is an online forum and informational database for people with chronic health conditions. By sharing what their experiences of living with chronic disease and what treatments help them, others with similar diagnoses can benefit from this information. The organization…

ACOR Cancer Support

ACOR aims to: Provide information and support to cancer patients and those who care for them through the creation and maintenance of cancer-related forums, mailing lists and web-based resources Provide subscribers with access to varied and credible information sources through…

Yellow Jackie

From site:  You, the reader, are helping a man named Terry to sail a yacht from South America to New Zealand. You are called in to investigate an outbreak of disease on board a second yacht. Three crewpeople on the…

MedMyst and Germ Blaster app

MedMyst is an interactive, learning adventure. In this futuristic world, you will help solve medical mysteries in infectious diseases. For this problem-based adventure game, students play the the role of scientist, historian, and detective. There are seven missions, each with…

Malaria and Parasite

From site:  The Mosquito and Parasite educational games and related reading, are based on the 1902 and 1907 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The 1902 Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of the parasite causing malaria and for…

Tuberculosis Experiments & Discoveries

From site:  The Tuberculosis educational game and related reading, are based on the 1905 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded for investigations and discoveries concerning the disease tuberculosis, “TB”. – What causes the disease tuberculosis, TB?– How…

Disease Detectives

This site provides games and stories to help students learn about infectious diseases and the scientists who fight them. Kids will learn about the types of microbes that cause disease, how our immune systems respond to them, and how we…

Kids’ Health Problems

From site:  Even kids can have health problems. Some problems are serious – and some are not so serious. You can get all the info you need about health problems like cancer, asthma, muscular dystrophy, and more. The site has…

Medicine Facts

Delve into facts about the Disease, Germs, Viruses, Microbes, Health, Human Body, Technology, and Vaccines with these series of articles. Articles are written by educators and experts in each field.

How Cancer Grows and Spreads

This animated Flash presentation illustrates the growth, progression and metastasis of carcinomas, the type of cancer that accounts for more than 90% of all cancer cases. Using the presentation’s “roadmap,” you’ll be able to choose your own route as you…

CDC Disease Information for Kids

Learn how your immune systems works and how you can prevent diseases through immunization. Find out more about many diseases like mumps, measles, influenza, and chicken pox. Get the facts on SARS. Although designed for kids 9-13 years old, the…