Coding: Khan Academy Computer Science

Learn the coding languages of the web – HTML, CSS, Javascript and SQL databases – with Khan Academy’s self-paced lessons. The tutorials begin with introductions to each of these four languages, then combine them in advanced lessons.

In the process, kids learn fundamental programming concepts as they code. Some of these concepts are: variables, strings, functions, conditional if statements, loops, arrays, object oriented programming, and debugging.

Each lesson consists of a video walkthrough of the coding concept, followed by a coding challenge for the student. Kids are offered helpful hints during their coding exercises, as well as “oh noes!” when things aren’t quite coded correctly. As kids successfully complete challenges, they earn points.

Additional assistance is offered below each exercise via Q&A forums for many exercises and documentation on the syntax for the concepts being taught. Kids can also view coding spinoffs created by other students, and they can make their own spinoffs. They also have the opportunity to share or embed their code in other websites.

Computer Programming on Khan Academy is part of Computing section of the site. Other topics kids can learn in Computing include algorithms, how computers work, how the Internet works, cryptography. and Hour of Code activities.

To save their progress, kids can register and login to use this free site. Parents and teachers can also monitor student progress when they register with the student. Be sure to check out all of the wonderful resources for learning just about any K-12 subject on Khan Academy.