From site: OneWorld Classrooms is a nonprofit organization that builds bridges of learning between the classrooms of the world. We offer FREE online travel and a variety of opportunities for K-12 classrooms to interact with overseas partners. WELCOME!
Travel right inside your own classroom and explore the world regions you are studying: Africa, the Amazon Rain Forest, Latin America, China, the Arctic and the Galapagos Islands. Along the way, you’ll meet students who live there and learn about their lives, cultures and environments. Our FREE Classroom Travel Resources are password-protected, connect with all areas of the curriculum and contain content for grades K-12.
Our FREE Electronic Cultural Exchange Library includes artwork, music, dance, PowerPoint and PhotoStory presentations, videos, and audio files created by K-12 students in China, Latin America, the Amazon Rain Forest, Africa and the US who have participated in OneWorld Classrooms. We will add additional content submitted by schools from around the world during the school year — and we welcome your class/school to contribute!