
cK-12 offers several innovative resources primarily for STEM middle and high school teachers and students. They include:

  • Flexbooks – standards-aligned etextbooks with interactive and video, that teachers can customize for their students.
  • Customizable Concept Maps – that connect to online videos, activities, etextbook content, simulations and customized teacher content.
  • Online classrooms – that allow teachers to create classes of students, discussions, and assignments, and monitor student progress.

Some of the CK-12 content is available as free ebooks in Kindle format from Amazon.com or in iPad format from Apple’s iBookstore. There are also interactive flexbook quiz apps available for download from iTunes and the Android Market.

To view or share any accompanying problem set, answer set, activity, worksheet, or lesson plan, or to customize the textbook content for you needs, free registration and login is required.