From site: Welcome sudents! Learn EL Civics with great pictures and easy words. Just click on a picture to start a lesson or activity. The following EL Civics units are now available: Statue of Liberty, Washington, D.C., American Bald Eagle, and Gateway Arch. English Language Civics provides an easy way to learn about American history, geography, and culture. New lessons, worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, and videos are added to almost every week. Free lessons for students and teachers – Lifeskills Lessons. Teach your students about the President of the United States using this Barack Obama Lesson. Holiday lessons for June are: Flag Day on Sunday, June 14, First Day of Summer on Saturday or Sunday, June 20 or 21, depending on what part of the country you live in, and Father’s Day on Sunday, June 21. Our Civics Video Channel features photo lessons about American civics, history, geography, holidays, and lifeskill vocabulary: Civics Video Channel.
El Civics